How Much Does A Dog BIte Cost? Pic Credit PetBasic
So I am sure you know by now that I was bitten by a stray dog recently when I went for my normal morning jog. In fact, this wasn’t the 1st time I got chased by the same dog. Is just unfortunate that this time, the same strategy didn’t work. My neighbours say that mothers are usually more protective when they have newborns. So I found out.
In case you didn’t know, you can read it in my LinkedIn post here.
But today I am focusing on a more important topic. How much does a dog bite cost? Any guess?
To give you a little context, I went straight to Accident & Emergency (A & E) Thomson Hospital (not the cheapest place mind you) after consulting my doctor friend on Whatsapp.
The doctor examined the wound (didn’t do nursing), gave me a tetanus jab, antibiotics to be taken for 5 days and antibiotic cream to be applied to the wound (until the wound is dried)
The doctor advised me “If you feel feverish or unwell within 7 – 10 days, make sure you come back so that we can take a look at you. My fear is sepsis”
So off I go, happy that everything was fine. I finish my antibiotics for 5 days and my wound healed 90%
Suddenly on Day 8, I started getting chills (not feverish but you feel cold on the outside but hot on the inside). To make matters worse, I start getting a massive headache, wind in the stomach, backache, discomfort (you feel uneasy regardless of whether you stand, sit or sleep) and throat irritation
So the 1st thing that comes to my mind is “Aiya, kena Covid, shit!” Since I wasn’t sure, I started self-quarantine. On Day 9 and Day 10, I tested negative for Covid (self-test). Now I am getting more worried. Cause Rabies has the same exact symptom. On top of that my friend was just telling me in Selangor there were 2 confirmed cases of Rabies.
So I went back to A & E on Day 10 and had my greatest discovery. I wanted to be tested for Rabies and to my surprise, it takes 1 month for the result to come out. Can you believe it? The reason was the hospital lab needs to send my specimen to Australia as there weren’t many labs in Malaysia that can test for Rabies. Then I start to wonder, is it because of this that Rabies is fatal in the first place? Then how do people get diagnosed with Rabies? Do they only find out when they die?
Jokes aside, the doctor did suggest I test for dengue and influenza. He mentioned the symptoms were similar, so is good to rule out those 2 as well. I went to test for dengue at Pathlab (because testing it in the hospital A & E would set you back about RM 200+, but Pathlab only charges RM 110 to RM 180 depending on how extensive you want the report to be)
So if you are still reading this far, congratulations, you are really someone very patient. Let me share with you the answer to my earlier question “How much does a dog bite cost?”
The answer is…….(drumroll please)… RM 537.20.
Here is the breakdown:
Before I end, I am thankful I have gotten sufficient insurance coverage to cover all these unexpected events. Who would have thought that one day you will be bitten by a dog? So random right?
So please make sure you have bought some kind of Personal Accident Coverage that covers “Medical Expenses”. If you have bought Personal Accident Coverage without this sub-benefit, you won’t be able to claim in this kind of scenario ya. (Day 1’s A & E). Typically, if you get a Personal Accident offered by a General Insurance company, they will have it 90% of the time.
Or if you have a medical card that has “Emergency Treatment for Accidental Injury Benefit – outpatient treatment” then you would also be able to cover this scenario. Just make sure you go see a doctor within 48 hours. Hence, that is why it is very important to have the 4 main pillars of coverage we talk about in our recent “How To Free Up Your Cash Flow Using PMR?” so that you get the 90% of the coverage that is covered by the insurance companies. You can start to understand what is PMR first here
As for Day 10 A & E cost, I am still checking with my team and the insurance company does it pay out as a follow-up cost. Will definitely update you soon once I found out.
P.S Guess what on Day 11, I am confirmed Covid positive. What a waste of money for the dengue test!!!
DISCLAIMER – All experiences shared here are not a recommendation or advice. The article is written purely for the purpose of education and journaling only. The content of this article is an expression of my opinion and should not be taken as professional advice. If you are seeking professional advice, please consult me personally. You should do your own research and/or seek an expert’s advice when purchasing the right insurance product and making insurance claims