Hi, my name is Ka Hoe and I’m the founder of J Advisory. And today I’m back with this very important topic which I really want to share with you guys because once you understand it, it will give you a different perspective of how you view at money right so a little bit of background, so I used to think that it takes money to make money because the the fact that I grew up in an environment where just like a how I made the earlier video, you know does money grow on tree?
We always feel that you know, it takes money to make more money right? So why I say that it’s such an important thing that you need to understand is the fact that money can be created out of nothing. It is something which a lot of us cannot comprehend. So let me share with you what I mean when I say money can be created out of nothing. It doesn’t really mean out of nothing but what it really means is that money can be created out of an idea right so, when the mind is so powerful that it can conceive a certain idea and eventually you put it down on paper, create a product out of it and start to sell it.
So because this is what we’ve been seeing ever since I started to go a bit deeper in terms of the origins of money that actually money can be created which is a very interesting perspective you should never look at it before right so the famous people who are famous creators will be people like Thomas Edison who invented the light bulb then you have the new generation of creators, you know like Steve Jobs everybody know Steve Jobs. He created the iPhone and the family of i products iPods, you know iPads which before that there wasn’t anything like that before right and then we’ve got some really famous which is like Elon Musk. He created the electric car. So this is what I mean by you know, how money can be created out of nothing from that perspective.
If I really want you guys to take a moment to look at it from this perspective, you know, because perhaps once you have changed his perspective you are able to you know, double income or double your network. And if you do let me know because I am truly happy to be part of your success and let me know in the comment section whether you are the type that are or grew up just like me know how we are believing money needs. We need money to make more money. I’ll see you in the next video.