Hi, my name is Ka Hoe and I’m the founder of J Advisory and today I’m back with another money misconception, which I think many of us have constantly hear. And, I personally do not agree with this. Of course, I can’t say that every rich person, there are none that are dishonest and greedy. Just like how you know, you have a big basket of apple, there are bound to be one or two spoilt apples.
But I want you guys to focus on the positive side, right? I believe that many of the rich and wealthy people, got to where they are by being more giving and enterprising, basically hustling (la), to actually get to where they (are) become. And of course like I’ve shared in my earlier video, a lot of us who say they are lucky because they were in the right time at the right place, that constitute 5% of it but many of us who did not see the 95% of the hard work and effort they have put in, that is something which we want to dig a bit deeper.
And really the whole idea here of wanting to become somebody who’s rich and wealthy, basically if we know what kind of effort they put in we will be able to model them, right? So, how does this misconception came about? I do not know but I’m guessing that many of us could be asked by our children and just like how a lot of the TV shows on TV right now, right?
They depict a lot of the rich people, how to get their richest is by stealing, kidnapping, robbing and all the bad stuff (la) selling drugs, but I guess there’s where one of the reason why we all have this perception that rich people must be dishonest and greedy. I guess the other reason could be some of us may have young children which asked their parents, You know, “how come Dad, you’re not rich & wealthy right?”
So, maybe the embarrassment of how we aren’t able to answer our kids really could be one of the reasons that the easy way out will be saying that, you know, just like the TV every rich person actually, is dishonest and greedy. But it just leads me to this question, which I learned from Brian Tracy couple of years ago. And really this sets the mindset of how one can be rich right?
Because it all starts with the mind I truly believe. He said that he constantly ask this question to his students, like “Why aren’t you rich already?” So from the answers that you give, basically those are the mindset block that one may have and I want you guys to do this exercise with me and share with me in the comment section, right?
It could be a big realization that, these are the small little things from our sharing & excuses, that could be blocking us from getting our rich (richness) and wealth moving forward. I’ll see you guys in next video. Comment and let me know whether this exercise works for you or not. Take care.