
Foundational Money Programs That Build Empowering Money Habits For Professionals, Solopreneurs and Business Owners

Learn how to solve your money problems by overcoming your anxiety, guilt and shame so you can live a happy and confident life

Are you constantly worrying about money?

Even despite having a lot of money but somehow you don’t feel right spending it?

Or are you struggling with paycheck to paycheck and can’t seem to save?


Don’t Worry!

You’re not alone—this happens because we were never taught about money in school.

Does this sound familiar?

📌 If you’re 30-50 years old, you know the struggle.
📌 You work day in and day out to put food on the table.
📌 You work even harder just to keep your job and make your boss happy.

But ask yourself…

Do you really have time for yourself?

To do the most important thing?

And then, reality hits…

📉 At the end of the month, you have no savings—or worse, you’re in deficit cash flow.
💭 You wish: “If only my money could work harder for me… so I don’t have to work so hard.”
💭 You dream: “If only I could retire 5-10 years earlier and enjoy life.”

🌴 Take a holiday
💆‍♂️ Pamper myself
👨‍👩‍👦 Spend time with loved ones

But then the doubt creeps in…
“Does this only exist in my dreams?”

What if I told you…

🚀 This is possible. And we’ve already helped others achieve it.
💡 The only thing missing? Financial education.

That’s why we founded JA – 1st Personal Finance Academy in Malaysia, with a mission to elevate the financial literacy of 1 million individuals.

💡 Since 2020, over 7,200+ individuals have joined our free and paid programs—becoming happier and more confident with their money.

No matter where you are, we’ve got you covered!

Beginners – A simple, step-by-step guide
Intermediate – Hand-holding to build confidence
Advanced – Transformative strategies for serious investors

So, are you ready to take control of your financial future? 🚀

So start here by finding out

Step 1 – How Hard Is Your Money Working For You

Use Dr Thomas Stanley’s Millionaire Next Door (MND) to find out how hard is your money working for you.

This way, you will know if you are working hard for money or is your money working hard for you.

💵Click here to know more 

Step 2 – How Healthy Your Cash Flow is

Find out how healthy your cash flow is by using ICE JAR – the world’s simplest money management system.

By using ICE JAR you will be able to find out your Money Cancer (that root reason why your cash flow is unhealthy) – so that you can cut it out. 

You will find out whether you are over-committed, over-spend or over-investing.

💹Click here to know more 

Who we have worked with?

Meet Our Coaches


  • Would definitely recommend Ka Hoe as he helps me make wiser financial decision now for the long run. Perhaps Ka Hoe can improve on shortening the lengthy and tedious process and prepare visual aid in understanding the cost benefit I save
    Chloe Lee
  • Ka Hoe has help me get a deeper understanding of my insurance planning n my family's wealth protection needs. I would definitely recommend my friends to benefit from this cost saving and optimization process.
    Janice Chang
  • Had an opportunity to have a 1-to-1 session with Ka Hoe and it was insightful. He delivered his advice and perspective in such a concise and easy to understand manner that is pretty much what is needed for anyone who's interested in understanding personal finance. Thanks Ka Hoe for this!
    Jeremy Tan

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